Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Medication Side Effects In Dogs

Medication Side Effects In Dogs - Steroids Use In Dogs

The one BIG MYTH making it's way around the dog world is that the medication (antibiotic, anti-inflammatory) given to our dogs have few side effects, if any at all.

But that is wrong! Many dogs develop ulcers and liver disease from anti-inflammatories. There ar ereported cases of diabetes, vomiting, diarrhea for the "safe" steroid used to stop the itching in allergies.

Allergies are one of the most common reasons that you and your dog take a trip to the vets office. There are a huge number of allergens. The 3 main classes are, Food, Fleas and Environmental. The most common signs are excessive scratching, paw and anal licking, hair shedding and excess dandruff.

If you suspect that your pet has an allergy, then feed a hypo-allergenic diet for 4-6 weeks (there are many available). And the good news is that many home remedies are helpful.

An oatmeal shampoo, twice weekly with cool water will ease the itchiest skin. Leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes then rinse well.

Calendula ointment is a herbal medication that has been successfully used to relieve the itch. Apply a thin coat twice daily to affected areas.

Fatty Acid supplements are very helpful in decreasing the level of inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids are most important. A great, inexpensive source is ground Flax Seeds; 1 tsp per cup of dog food.

A variety of herbs are used at different times for arthritis. The most effective include: DEVIL'S CLAW, used in traditional African medicine and has scientific studies to back its effectiveness. Acuppressure located on the bottom of the foot, in the depression of the two outside toes, and is especially good for arthritic pain in the hips. Also, Methlsulfonymethane is supplement, found in some plants such as Horsetail. It works by reducing inflammation in the joints by acting as an antioxidant.

Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Anything To Do With Dogs!!

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